Motorola dynatac 8000x

How much does the Motorola DynaTAC 8000X cost?

Just pick up your Motorola Dynatac 8000X, the first mobile phone for the masses, for $4,000.

Was the Motorola DynaTAC 8000X the first mobile phone?

The Motorola DynaTAC 8000X, introduced in 1983, was the world's first portable commercial handheld cellular phone.

Was Motorola the first cell phone?

On April 3, 1973, Motorola publicly demonstrated the world's first portable cellular telephone and system. The first public calls using Motorola DynaTAC (DYNamic Adaptive Total Area Coverage) technology occurred in New York City.

How did the DynaTAC work?

The Motorola DynaTAC 8000x Enables the First Commercial Analog Cellular Telephone Service. … It offered 30 minutes of talk time and 8 hours of standby, and a LED display for dialling or recall of one of 30 phone numbers. It was priced at $3,995 in 1983. DynaTAC was an abbreviation of Dynamic Adaptive Total Area Coverage. …

How much memory did the Motorola DynaTAC 8000X have?

That phone, which measured more than a foot long, weighed almost 2 pounds, and cost $3995, ultimately became commercial available in 1983. Known as the Motorola DynaTAC 8000X, its battery could provide 1 hour of talk time, and its memory could store 30 phone numbers.

Who developed the technology for the Motorola DynaTAC 8000X cell phone?

Martin Cooper Martin Cooper, a former general manager for the systems division at Motorola, led a team that produced the DynaTAC 8000x, the first commercially available cellular phone small enough to be easily carried, and made the first phone call from it.

Where was the Motorola DynaTAC 8000X invented?

Using a prototype of what would become the Motorola DynaTAC 8000x, the world's first commercial cell phone, Cooper stood near a 900 MHz base station on Sixth Avenue, between 53rd and 54th Streets, in New York City and placed a call to the headquarters of Bell Labs in New Jersey.